Inline Documentation

User’s Manual
Zelo’s simple and accessible interface often hides a vast amount of tools and functionality. To know all its secrets, within the system you will find an area dedicated specifically to the online manual (actually in Italian language): from here you can access a complete and always up-to-date guide on all the tools, functionalities, use cases and news regarding your ERP system.
Printable File
In addition to the online manual, you will have an updated pdf file available at any time to save, print, read with Acrobat Reader, or transfer to an eBook reader.
A detailed table of contents and analytical index will enable you to quickly find and reference the information you are looking for.

Contextual Guidance
In each Zelo’s business area you will be offered the section of the guide related to the specific functions for open tools. You will not have to threshold and search through the 1000+ pages of the manual.
Search Topics
Also from within the ERP system, you can perform a quick keyword search, browse the online manual, scroll through the topics in their logical order, or consult the analytical index.

News and Tutorials
Newsletters, videos and dedicated tutorials